Sunday, April 15, 2012

Welcome to Sense Deprivation!

Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome to Sense Deprivation - the place where the Internet's best, weirdest, grossest and cutest all rubs elbows, bang heads and touch each other in places where one shouldn't be touched. If we find it interesting - and our interests are pretty damn eclectic - there's a good chance that it'll end up being listed here, for your entertainment (and, of course, ours).

Who's this "we" of which you speak?

The "we" in question are:

  • Kristal Crow, a lifetime nerd, gamer and self-styled Evil Genius who’s into science (especially Mad Science), steampunk, animals, music of almost every genre, and battle-yodelling. Kristal also writes a blog at The Crow and the Pitcher, and recently became addicted to Nutella.
  • Mark Cooper, who for some reason feels the need to point out that he’s British. Mark likes many of the same things that Kristal does, as well as dice collecting, cookery, and abortive attempts at writing long-form fiction (the latter drives Kristal nuts). In addition to being a blogger (The Minecraft Scribe and The Digital Quill), his most nefarious act to date was introducing Kristal to the seductive lure of Nutella.

Oh. We both hate spiders.

How did Sense Deprivation come about?

We both have a passion for the Internet, and the weird and wonderful things which abound in its billions of web pages. Hardly a day goes by without one of us finding something which tickles our fancy, and we just have to pass it on to the other one. Kristal, however, was getting a little sick and tired of Mark ninja-tweeting stuff she’d found. But rather than take the obvious route of electrifying Mark’s chair and controlling the shocks through the Internet, we made a less painful compromise: a shared account whereby either one of us could post the stuff we found. Kristal’s keeping chair-electrification as a backup idea, though.

As for the name... Well, we often chat about this, that and the other, and one night, we were talking about Richard Feynman and his experiences with sensory deprivation. From there, we got to riffing, and ended up with the name Sense Deprivation (although Mark keeps typing it as Derpivation). {Most people that know us think we've been deprived of all sense in the first place. -K} Pick up the inspiration, physicist Richard Feynman's book “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman” here.

How can you get hold of us?

If you have a problem, and no one else will help, maybe you can hire -- no, wait, that’s not it. You can find Sense Deprivation at the usual social-media hangouts:

Twitter: @SenseDeprived (“SenseDeprivation” is one character too long!)
Google+: Sense Deprivation
Email: You can also reach us via our email address - just stick “sensedeprivation” before the @ sign, and you’re good to go :)

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